The election results are in.....
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 3709
While my channel hasn't been active as of late, it's been taking a back seat to things happening in my life. With the results of tonight's Federal election, I will say I am disappointed by the election results. I was hoping it would be at least a CPC minority, since the election results are not exactly in the favour of gun owners, I may start deleting all my gun related videos, pictures, and social media accounts.
Since I don't trust Trudeau won't bring back in a gun registry or out right ban certain firearms, especially with Adam Vaughan, Mark Holland and Bill Blair being elected (notable anti-firearms ownership) I don't want to make it easy for any gun grabbing politicians to know what I own. My youtube channel and other social media accounts are a shopping list of what I own, and since I was willing to post videos and pictures using my real name, I don't want to make it any easier for gun grabbers to take what I spent a large sum of my hard earned money on.
I've decided that I won't delete my content, but will do my best to post even more!
Hunting Trip 2013
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 3040
My buddies (Roland, Jason) and I were up north for our annual hunting trip, for Roland and I this is our 3rd year and the 2nd year that our buddy Jason has joined us. We spent most of our time out on the woods sitting at our blinds hoping we would see some activity from the bush, sadly, nothing was stirring this year. We ended up coming home empty handed, but still I enjoy hunting for more then just the hunt, in fact I'm just as happy not filling my tags as I am bagging our limit. For me our week long hunting trips are about spending time with my friends, getting up early every morning, spending just about the entire day outdoors, only coming back to the house for lunch, before heading back out the blind for the rest of the afternoon. Then when the sun sets, heading back to the house, getting warm by the fire, having a couple of beers, telling the same old stories and doing it all over again the next day.
Bill C-19 passed the Senate!
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 2347
About 5:40 PM, Wednesday April 4th, the Senate of Canada has passed Bill C-19 putting the second last nail in the LGR's coffin.
The vote was 50 - 27.
It's now off to the GG for royal assent and setting of the in-force date.
In the coming weeks the requirement to register my legally owned property with a central government database will be removed. Today is a great day to be a Canadian, it's a rare moment when bad laws are slowly stripped from the books.
Bill C-19
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 2226
Bill C-19, Ending the Long-gun Registry Act, has passed the 3rd and final vote in the House of Commons.
The Long Gun registry and almost 18 years of making firearms owners paper criminals is almost done. Today is a great day to be a Canadian!
A reply from my MPP
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 2297
As I said, I would post a reply from my MPP.
Dear Mr. Capranos, Thank you for your email regarding the G20 conference. I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.
As you know, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) requested, in the context of public safety, that a regulation be made under the Public Works Protection Act to designate the G20 area security perimeter as “public works” from June 21st - June 28th.
The PWPA was established in 1939 and is in effect in several locations across the province. In 2005, the authority to enforce the PWPA was upheld by Ontario Courts.
More information is available by TPS at (416) 808-2222.
On a personal level, I am deeply disappointed by the violent actions that occurred over that weekend. I have encouraged and supported public demonstrations in the past and I believe very strongly that peaceful protests play a vital role in a healthy democracy and, more importantly, that our rights to assemble and demonstrate are fundamental. Civil liberties and civil rights are the cornerstones of our society and freedom. I will continue to reinforce these issues with my colleagues at Queen's Park.
Thank you again for writing.
Sincerely, Charles Sousa, MPP Mississauga South
A Slippery Slope
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 2349
I was disturb today to read about an amendment to the Ontario Public Works Protection Act, that grants the police to arrest people that are within 5 meters of the G20 security barrier, who refuse to present ID and allowed to be searched. The law is only valid until Monday, June 28. However, it was in-acted on June 2nd by an order in council by the Ontario Liberal Cabinet. This was done without any consultation of the Provincial parliament and was never debated with in the house or press releases sent out to inform people that the Government of Ontario has suspended their Charter of Rights and Freedoms for a few days. It's a slippery slope, if the government can get away with it this time, what's to stop them next time. Be sure to send an email to your MPP and let them know this wrong and should never have been enacted in the first place. I sent the following email to my MPP, Charles Sousa, Mississauga - South. I will post the reply if / when I receive one.
Bill C-391
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 1777
A new private members bill has been brought forth to the House of Commons to hopefully repeal the failed long gun registry in Canada. The Bill brought forth by MP Candice Hoeppner (Portage-Lisgar), is Bill C-391, it would call for the dismantling of the Canadian Firearms Center, central database of all registered non-restricted long guns. (which includes, most rifles and shotguns). The removal of the Long Gun Registry has never been more important after the RCMP released sensitive information regarding firearms owners to the research and polling company Ekos.
Reply from my MP - Hon. Paul Szabo
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 1901
Email that I sent to Hon. Paul Szabo - Mississauga South
Good day, Thank you for taking the time to read my email, I have been a resident of Mississauga South for most of my life. Over the years, I have lived in various parts of Mississauga, Lorne Park, Erin Mills, and have settled in Clarkson, I believe it to be a wonderful area.
I am also a firearms enthusiast and have been so for most of my life, It started with my Grandfather first teaching me how to hold a rifle as a young boy. My enjoyment of sport shooting has continued into my adult life, I recently applied for and was granted my firearms license and have purchased several rifles and pistols over the last few years. I have taken many friends, co-workers, family members who are also residents of Mississauga South to a range I frequent in Burlington.All of the people that I have taken, believe that firearms are no more dangerous (when in the proper hands) then any other tool or piece of equipment.
Bill C-301
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- By CanadianGunGuy
- Hits: 9062
As those closet to me know, I am a firearms enthusiast, over the last year and half, I have acquired my firearms license, and several rifles and handguns. I strongly believe that all Canadian's have the right to own firearms, whether people agree or disagree with this is a mute point. It's a right that has been enshrined upon us, and each Canadian has the ability to choose whether or not they want to exercise this right.